You Say Tomato, I Say Spring

SpringRunnerI have been taking a lot of heat from yesterday’s post. My declaration of spring coincided with a spring storm that everyone mistook for a winter storm. I totally understand the error; most of you are pretty worn out from the winter that just passed.

It might take some time to see it my way, maybe even 19 or 20 days. I am okay with that. I am a patient man.

Beginner runners (although I really don’t see you as beginners, anymore), you have a nice week planned. Getting your miles in is key. Do not worry about pace or whether it is in interval form. Just keep amassing those miles.

Tweeners, this week is where the rubber meets the road. Your next RBR is this week. You know what to do. I have so much faith in you that it is hanging from the trees and wires! Nuf said.

springtime-kittyIntermediate runners, your next three weeks (specifically the speed, hill, and tempo workouts) will be key. These three workouts will make each of your long runs seem like a stroll in the park. As you move closer to the Broad Street Run, you can begin to dream of a great race (queue your favorite running song)!

Cyclists, we are still putting in the miles. Keep piling up the indoor miles that are offered. But you will see the springtime outdoor rides posted more often. We are looking at temperatures in the 50’s next Sunday, although springtime weather can be fickle. Stay tuned. I am getting so pumped for our groups rides!

All, I can feel the energy. I can feel the heart of the team beat stronger. You are so dedicated to your family and your friends who are battling this disease. That cause has a side effect. It makes you a better athlete. Whereas the Olympian has the dream of a gold medal to motivate her, you have the bigger dream of ending cancer to motivate you. That’s powerful stuff.

Keep up the great work, and go TeamCMMD!

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1 Response to You Say Tomato, I Say Spring

  1. Josh says:

    love the positivity! Keep it up!


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